So, it's been a few days. The weather here in the Idaho Palouse has become decidedly icky with cold winds and rain/snow. Goats always seem to find that perfect moment, when the weather is the most horrible to break down a few fences. These aren't even MY goats, so I couldn't just go break their little necks. My landlady keeps a large herd of mixed sheep and goats, and it is usually the goats that find some spot or six to destroy fences in their endless quest for "The Other Side". So I've been slowing helping move electric mesh fencing out of the flood plains of the large creek, and bashing the goat twisted cattle panels back into some semblance of normal shape and wiring them in place. there is a lot yet to do to make things deep snow weather ready. At least, cane or no cane, I'm up and continuing to move about and get things done =)
Have I mentioned that it's yucky and raw out ? LOL!
About the bacon part of my title. Drew, the most dear man in the world and the love of my life, is a bacon addict. I try to keep the bacon-addled fellow to a few pieces a week, but bacon has a habit of slowly creeping back in to the every day diet if I'm not vigilant ;) So, when I came across this bacon ornament on Seremere's blog, I knew that I would have to make one especially for him. Isn't it cute??? It's just the most awesome tree ornament surprise you could give the mad for bacon people in your life!
I need to shop for some materials for making sugar and salt scrubs, baking parchment and dried fruits (The real kind, not the sugar-pickled red and green grocery market kind), but that won't happen until Saturday, I'm afraid. In the mean time, I'm makin' bacon ;) And a couple of aprons, some lounge pants and a bunch of therapy sacks of various sizes for gifts
Laters !
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